The setting up of KOMIKAbooks

We were at Fursquare in Thailand in 2019, a one-day convention for all furries to sell and buy products.

It was the second time that we had set up a booth and the response was great. We were able to cover the booth fee and lighten our luggage!

During the event, we observed a number of books from artists that were not available online.

So we thought of approaching the artist or through their agent to do business with them. Some were reluctant, some didn’t respond but nevertheless, we pushed through with the setting up of KOMIKAbooks with just $1000 of capital.

We wanted to give all artists, regardless small or big, an equal chance of representing their work to the world because we share our passion for all things furry!

As our country is one of Asia’s most shippable country, we thought we would give it a try by offering a vast number of shipping options, from our local carrier to major carriers such as DHL, UPS, etc, so customers can choose what they want instead of limiting to just one or two carriers.

It worked out well!

From offering one book to almost dozens of books now, we are grateful that we had the support of artists and agents to allow us to do business with them and carry their books on our site.

We are still a small company so Thank You and we hope to have more books and partners onboard in the future.

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