What a year for us!
With COVID-19 wrecking havoc on our order deliveries, we would like to apologize to all our customers that have encountered a delay in their order. In return, we are grateful to both our current and future customers for supporting us for the past one year! Komikabooks will not be where it is today without the support from our artists and customers alike.
Moving ahead into 2021, we will be initiating a few projects that we have been brainstorming throughout 2020.
Book Publishing
We will begin publishing books for anyone looking to publish their works with us after finding a few suitable printing partners. We guarantee that we will take care of your project with the highest priority.
SFW books will be published through our local outsourced supplier while NSFW books will be published through our international outsourced supplier before shipping to us for distribution and/or sale.
Product Diversity
Apart from selling books, we will be diversifying our product offering to include such as T-shirts, Acrylic Standee, Keychains, and Stickers to attract a wider variety of customers. With this in mind, interested artists can choose what they want to sell with us. Or if they have a book, they can be attached to any of the items needed as part of a set.
So that is all that we want to announce so stay safe and always wear a mask if required.
Have A Happy 2021!